GOYON-CHAZEAU The Master cutler know-how The art of combination
Cutler know-how is not an easy job but a succession of knowledges and techniques that must be mastered and carefully combined to make quality knives, knives that cut!

The mastering of this combination is the « master cutler » art.
It is over years and generations that GOYON-CHAZEAU acquired this mastery of cutlery by organizing, one after the other, the steps of making a knife, that are called “ranks”.

A GOYON-CHAZEAU knife, or cutlery piece, uses more than 40 ranks and is made with supplies exclusively coming from Thiers labor pool, French capital city of cutlery for 6 centuries.
This applies to table knives, kitchen knives and pocket knives. The latter are the ones that usually require the most ranks, sometimes over 100!

GOYON-CHAZEAU Expertise in welding and forging, a rare know-how in cutlery A living Heritage company

Coutellerie GOYON-CHAZEAU knew, early from the second generation, with Denis GOYON, to specialize in the welding of stainless steel, the techniques of hollow handle assembly and the forge work. Those ranks have always been the prerogative of high-end knives.

Manual point by point welding of two hollow stainless steel shells to form a handle, welding these handles to blades or cutlery heads, were the tasks already accomplished by the grand-parents of Magali Soucille, the current Company Manager.
GOYON-CHAZEAU is also today one of the last French companies to produce hollow handle knives and cutlery.

The forge work finaly became the new products basis in the 90s, through Denis Goyon creations.
Forged items have since represented the main part of GOYON-CHAZEAU cutlery catalog.

These two expertises, unique in the field of tableware, have been recognized by the French State which awarded the EPV label (Living Heritage Company) to GOYON-CHAZEAU in 2013, and renewed in 2018.



GOYON-CHAZEAU A know-how to safeguard To defend French cutlery history and heritage

The mastering of all this know-how does not stop here.
GOYON-CHAZEAU is also strongly involved in safeguarding of cutler know-how and heritage.

This is evidenced by GOYON-CHAZEAU being part of the Confrérie du Couteau Le Thiers from it very early beginning. This brotherhood works on maintaining a high level cutler quality in France and protects the LE THIERS® knife pattern all over the world.


GOYON-CHAZEAU is also an active member of the CLAA association (Couteau Laguiole Aubrac-Auvergne) which aims to protect the worldwide known  Laguiole knife, its history, and its manufacturing.



GOYON-CHAZEAU has always been an ambassador of the Made in France and remains a representative of the Made in Thiers.